Myra Immell in the 1970's

New Orleans

Windjammer Cruise

Seth At The Start of the Decade

Seth Near The End of the Decade

1970 memories from friends & family

Rick suggests that you remember your reactions to the highlights of his and Seth's years together. Such as;
            -coming home and finding all of the bushes in the front yard rolling down the hill.
            -finding all the nicely planted weeds in your flower bed.
            -the quizzical look on your face as I rushed in and out of the house when Seth introduced your car to the movie theatre sign.
            -the endless frustration over how to hide the leftovers from the two legged college type stomach.
            -the priceless look on your face as Rick hung Seth's friends on the railing in the livingroom by their underwear.
            -your ongoing troubles with the kitchen practical jokes.
            -your glee when Rick had to eat dinner over again when his mother would call.


What can I say about My Jewish Mother.  The woman I thought of when I first heard the joke:  "How many jewish women does it take to screw in a light bulb?.................................... None...they'd rather sit  in the dark and bitch about it.".  The woman who has fed me on countless occasions, typed reports of mine and Seth's at all hours of the morning, and who has been the steadfast recipient of groveling beyond compare.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I remember it distinctly:  Tim Troiano and Seth had gotten involved in a childish game that was gradually crescendoing from water balloons onward (and downward).  In the midst of being chased through the the Immell house, there I saw it,  basking in a golden glow, the Holy Grail of food fights:  thawing meat sauce for spaghetti, sitting in Ma Immell's sink.  Without hesitation, I grabbed the icy ball.  Never have I felt so good as when I heard the scream from Seth's 16 year old mouth, as it hit him in the back of the neck, and in slow motion, sloshed down his back and into his shorts.  There was even enough of it solid to throw Tim's way.  Of course, Seth and Tim both shortly departed for work, and I was left, hosing the sauce off their driveway, when Ma Immell came home.  Sensing the increasing ire of my Other Mother, I quickly resolved the situation:  "Tim did it."  And so, appropriate rebuke coming Tim's way, I dashe! d away in my car, with a lesson learned that I'll never forget:


Myra is a true Friend, but lacks horse sense,  I  have to remind you about our Bowling Days, I used to yell at Myra so much, people thought she was my Wife.


I worked with Myra at Merrill for about 5 years, ending in 1987.  My memories of Myra include her insatiable appetite for rewriting everything I had slaved days and weeks on.  I gave her these beautifully crafted chapters and got them back so covered with red ink I'd feel like I should have given up at the beginning.  But now I know that's just her thing -- never satisfied with anything she knows she can do better!  HaHa.  When I finally escaped the Asylum of Merrill, I got a job at Ohio State & eventually ended up getting the business college to hire Myra to write a funding proposal. She had to OBEY my directions this time.  Quite hysterical and challenging for both of us.  By the way she did a great job, as always.  Now she and I and Bill get together about once a month for breakfast.  I admire Myra very much and appreciate her friendship  more now than ever.  No surprise as I wanted to strangle her a few times in the past!!!!  (-:

Seriously, Happy Birthday, Myra!  Thanks for everything.  Love you.  Donna