Our Little Hampsters

When we lived at 510 Lee in Evanston, we lived a ten minute walk from Baskin and Robins. It was very convenient to walk up for an ice cream when the weather was good. Typically, we'd get our ice cream cones and then walk across to see who was at the pet store kiddy corner across the street. Not Just Thee Fish Bowl Anymore always had lots of fun animals on display.

In June 1992, little did we suspect that we'd be taking home four very cute hampsters when we first saw them in the window. They were alot of fun to watch. We nick-named them while we ate our ice cream: the runner, the climber. It was lots of fun to visit them when we went for ice cream. We mostly went for ice cream at night, so the store was never open when we looked in the windows. But, one day, we were going for ice cream when we knew thepet store would be open - so we rode our bikes. That way, we couldn't buy anybody. Well, we walked our bikes home!

Hampster Photo Albums:

  1. Welcome Home Herman, Horrace, Henry and Harriet (little did we know Harriet would soon be a Mama)
  2. Favorite Memories Cute Piles of H's, Herman's Operation, Mac N Cheese, Pooh Bear Lookout, Harris & Karrotis